We are witnessing today, in our villages, the disappearance of authentic Romanian folk, being replaced more and more, in all possible ways, by events and habits foreign to the spirit of this nation. In these conditions of spiritual pollution, to our joy, we meet more and more young people who want to know the true "roots", to get closer to what their parents and grandparents have lived. As a result of that, this course of traditional romanian dance was born, which is developing even more, because people who attend it are stunned by the beauty and the depth of romanian choreographic folklore and also they feel pretty satisfied, because when the oportunity arises they can join in and not have to sit helplessly on the sidelines.
The material taught on this course, contains games which are interpreted by bands and music groups, fortunately present on various occasions. Thus, forgotten games in villages such as "Româneşte de purtat", "Româneşte de-nvârtit”, " 7 Paşi", "Învârtita rară", "Învârtita deasă", “Hora”, “Sârba”, “Jiana” and many more, can be learnt by doing this course, without any great difficulties, in an great environment accompanied by traditional quality music. Trainees receive a CD with all the material taught within the course, which can be used as many times as you want, on various occasions at which you may take part in.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information: 0740953900 (Camelia) 0745525271, (Neluţu)
6 Jules Verne Street
Postal code 400481, Cluj Napoca, Cluj
Camelia: +40 740 953 900
Nelutu: +40 745 525 271